School Locator

The American Welding Society School Locator map displays post-secondary schools with welding or closely related programs.

The map may indicate that schools are one or more of the following:

  • AWS Educational Institution Member

    AWS Educational Institution Members maintain the highest standards in welding education. Membership ensures professionalism and expertise of faculty and staff.

  • SENSE School

    SENSE, or Schools Excelling through National Skills Standards Education, is a comprehensive set of minimum standards and guidelines for welding education programs.

    • SENSE School Level 1 – For Entry Level Welders. Students can earn up to 4 certificates of completion; one for each process they complete.
    • SENSE School Level 2 – For Advanced Level Welder. Students can earn up to 9 certificates of completion; one for each process.

    Learn about the benefits of attending an AWS SENSE School.

  • AWS Accredited Test Facility

    Schools that are also Accredited Test Facilities (ATFs) can conduct testing for the AWS Certified Welder program. To search all ATFs in your area, which may include manufacturing facilities, independent labs, or businesses, visit the ATF Locator.

If you represent a school and would like to request updates to the information displayed, please contact